

  • 在PTSI学习国语,孩子们将会得到一个干净又舒适的学习环境。环境很重要,这可让孩子们能过更专注于学习上。在学习的过程中就能事半功倍。
  • 在PTSI学习国语,孩子们将会掌握考卷的作答技巧。PTSI国语完成符合学校的课程纲要,这让孩子们能够面对课堂上所面对的难题。
  • 在PTSI学习国语,孩子们将会认识各类型的作文格式。孩子们将会从学习生字开始,接而学习写句子,再循序渐进地书写段落,最后能够完整地书写一篇国语作文。
  • 在PTSI学习国语,孩子们将会累积国语的词汇量。这是因为我们从主题着手编排课程,让孩子们分类学习有关主题的词汇。这可以减轻孩子们在学习过程中不识字的困扰。

为什么 PTSI 老师有信心帮助您孩子?

  • 1⃣ 老师不但富有经验,而且有耐心。
  • 2⃣ 活泼教学,让学生容易进入课程。
  • 3⃣ 思路图教学,摘录要点。
  • 4⃣复习旧有的知识,巩固记忆。 
  • 5⃣ 针对学生的弱点和面对的问题,加以辅导和讲解,让学生增加信心。

在 PTSI Tuition Specialist 学习的学生



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Ms Doreen
(Sons aged 10 & 11)

"教育是孩子们一生中接受的最为重要的教育。作为家长,我非常满意 PTSI 中心的各项素质教育,非常感谢两位院长 Ginny 和 Christine 的辛勤付出,对孩子的关爱,照顾与无私的帮助,无微不至的关心!孩子能遇到这么好的院长及老师们,在这么好的环境里学习,我们家长很放心也很满意。我相信孩子们在中心和院长,老师们点点滴滴的教育下,会一天天地进步。再次感谢院长 Ginny 和 Christine 及老师们!你们辛苦了!!"

Ms Sharyn Lim
(Son aged 10)

"My son joined PTSI more than a year now. Ever since then, he improved tremendously in his academic results. This was proven in his final term examination Primary 3. The teachers in PTSI are friendly and they really took effort to understand and cater to the needs of each students despite the differences in their learning abilities. Teachers here don't just teach, they create fun games to make lessons more interesting at the same time cultivates moral values into students. My son loves to attend tuition classes in PTSI."

Mr & Mrs Woo
(Daughter aged 12 and Son aged 9)

"My daughter has been attending classes with PTSI since she was 9 years old. Back then, she was studying with private primary school syllabus.  Gladly choice of sending her to PTSI, and we found that PTSI is respective, pro-active centre.  They provide reference and revision materials, progress updates and boosters classes as and when needed.  My daughter has improved in her studies and now she has moved to an international school under IGCSE syllabus.  Even though she is now only 12 years old, because she did well in her English and Mathematics assessments, she was offered a place to start  at Year 8 (equivalent to Form 2 at SMK) in international school.  The good thing is she managed to keep up her studies at a higher level.  Her recent mid term test shows better than expected results and PTSI continues to help her with her studies in IGCSE syllabus.  We have enrolled our son with PTSI and hopefully he can do better as well."

Mr and Mrs Then
(Daughter aged 12)

"大家好今天真心想表扬与推荐这一家补习中心,这一家本人认为真正能为孩子们提升自我学习能力的一家补习中心。 本人的孩子就是真实案例,两年多前我也是经朋友介绍将孩子转至PTSI 补习中心。 起初我也抱着一般的态度,毕竟现在太多的补习中心已经很商业化并且提供什么功课班或小老师系列的。自从我的孩子被送到 PTSI 这一家补习中心,渐渐的我发现孩子的理解,书写和处理事务的独立性完全明显的在进步。 原来 PTSI 除了在学业方面的指导之外也让孩子们了解自理与责任的态度,在这学习的孩子们 的父母是察觉的。 PTSI 的教育方针是让孩子们能够真正了解课本的单元性,好让孩子们可以有更好的理解。
我本人也了解过很多的商业补习中心是直接设立功课班,这只能解决家长与孩子们的烦恼。PTSI 提倡的教育是与孩子的父母教育配合从而达到最细腻由上至下的教育,让孩子们可以专心的在补习中心学习。 补习中心的管理层也经常与家长保持联系时时刻刻都关注孩子们的成长,这是值得表扬的。很高兴的将孩子送到PTSI学习,也感恩当初我也是经朋友介绍的让孩子到 PTSI 来学习。 希望 PTSI越做越好。 培养更多的小小精英。"

Mdm Ha 
(Son aged 12)

"In the past, my son was very reluctant to attend any enrichment or tuition classes.  He will throw tantrum and even cry every time I sent him.  Since PTSI is offering FREE trial classes for students to attend, I decided to give it another try as to help him further in his academic results, so I let him have a try in PTSI.  To my surprise , he didn't cry and showed interest in attending.  So he started and enjoyed his study very much in PTSI.  The tutors are friendly, enthusiastic, caring and always helpful.  They communicated really well with the children and parents also.  Thank you."

关于 PTSI Tuition Specialist

PTSI Tuition Specialist 的成立始于2013年。今天,PTSI通过组建具有MOE资格的导师团队,在从K2到中级各个专业课程中均具有专业知识,保持了高质量的教学。 我们确保我们的老师很友善,并且对今天的孩子有坚定的热情和专心的教育。

``我们的优先事项是您的孩子,这是我们对待您孩子的教育方式。 我们努力在学术上为您的孩子带来最好的表现。 我们竭诚为孩子们提供高质量的教育,并为学生和家长提供专业服务。

``我们的目标是培养一个整体孩子,并为他们配备PTSI 4核心学习系统,这些系统具有自我意识,自信,自力更生和自我管理的能力。

PTSI Tuition Specialist 受肯定

On 16th November 2016, at a ceremony held at Dewan SJK(C) Sungai Way, Innovation Day, PTSI was recognized with an appreciation award of Best Tuition Centre Management under MOE district of PPD Petaling Utama, Jabatan Pendidikan Selangor. 

Assessment has been carried based on monitoring and evaluation in terms of institutional management, management of pupils and teachers, teaching & learning systems, cleanliness and cheerfulness. 

This award has given a great motivation for PTSI to constantly move towards the growth of young generation able to think innovatively and creatively. 

In line with Malaysia's education blueprint plan 2013-2025, PTSI is willing to be steadfast and patient towards success thus achieve the dream of inspiration. 

“Your child is our priority, Together we build”

PTSI Tuition Specialist 的设施


PTSI Tuition Specialist @ Bandar Sri Damansara

No. 6-2, Jalan Tanjung SD 13/1, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur

Email: careline@ptsituition.com


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Copyright 2019 @ PTSI Tuition Specialist Bandar Sri Damansara